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Ministry of Higher Education Project : SLIATE (live project)

ABOUT SLIATE Our Mission  "Creating Excellent Higher National and National Diplomates with Modern Technology for Sustainable Development" Our Vision "To Become the Centre of Excellence in Technological Education" As per the recommendations of the Committee appointed by Prof. Wiswa Waranapala, Deputy Minister of Higher Education in 1994, the Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technical Education (SLIATE) was formed in 1995, under the Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technical Education Act No. 29 of 1995, In 2001 the name of the institution was amended as Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education, (SLIATE). It functions as an autonomous Institute for the management of Higher National and National Diploma courses. The main purposes of establishing SLIATE were to reform and restructure the entire technical and vocational education system in relation to the changing needs of economic development, to meet manpower requirements of natio...

Family get-together with Ramadan Ifthar 2017

Family get-together with Ramadan Ifthar 2017

Node.js and Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is a small, multi-use computer. With Node.js you can do amazing things with your Raspberry Pi. What is the Raspberry Pi? The Raspberry Pi is a small, affordable, and amazingly capable, credit card size computer. It is developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and it might be the most versatile tech ever created. Creator Eben Upton's goal was to create a low-cost device that would improve programming skills and hardware understanding. Due to the small size and price of the device, it has become the center of a wide range of projects by tinkerers, makers, and electronics enthusiasts. Raspberry Pi and Node.js The Raspberry Pi has a row of GPIO (General Purpose input/output) pins, and these can be used to interact in amazing ways with the real world. This tutorial will focus on how to use these with Node.js. Write Raspbian OS Image to MicroSD Card Before we can start using our Raspberry Pi for anything, we need to get a OS installed. ...

Family get-together 2016

it was a nice  get-together  with grandfathers' family.

Android SQLite Database 1

Using Android Studio Crating a Database (SQLite) 1. NEW PROJECT 2.CREATE  A CLASS NAME CALL (DB.class) 3.import SQLiteDatabase    import SQLiteOpenHelper SCREEN SHOT OF CODE (IMAGE) CODE (TEXT) Bellow package com.example.rimzan.j2program ; import android.content.Context ; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase ; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper ; public class DB extends SQLiteOpenHelper { public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "Student.db" ; public static final String TABLE_NAME = "Student_Table" , COL_1 = "ID" , COL_2 = "NAME" , COL_3 = "SURENAME" , COL_4 = "MARKS" ; public DB(Context context) { super (context , DATABASE_NAME ,null, 1 ) ; SQLiteDatabase db=getWritableDatabase() ; } @Override public void onCreate (SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL( "CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AU...

Our Family Get-Together 2015

The family starts as a nuclear family, gradually it grows to an extended family.  Family  get-together will help family members to know one another. Children will know their grandparents (that is if grandparents are still alive). Children will also know their cousins, uncles and aunts. Grandparents will also get a chance of seeing their children and grandchildren. The uncles and aunts also interact with their nephews and nieces.  Family  reunion also helps sister in-laws to enjoy the company of one another and knowing each other.